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Actualités : Your employment market


What is reverse logistics and why is it important?

We often talk about logistics, but we never mention reverse logistics. Yet, it is...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 22/04/2023

Forklift operator job description: responsibilities, skills, salary and more

The forklift operator, also known as a warehouse clerk, is a key player in the...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 24/04/2024

Customs clerk: job description

How much do you know about jobs in the supply chain industry?
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 28/03/2024

Logistics manager job description

The logistics manager is key to the operational efficiency of a warehouse, playing...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 20/03/2024

What is excellent client service and how to provide it?

Excellent client service involves consistently meeting or exceeding client...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 20/02/2024

What is the supply chain and why is it important

Supply chains are a vital part of the economy in many countries. They give...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 30/01/2024

Job description for transport coordinator

The transport coordinator is a key player in the logistics and transport sector....
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 23/10/2023

Push VS Pull and Push-Pull strategies in logistics

In the ever-evolving landscape of logistics, businesses are constantly in search...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 28/09/2023

What to know about the last mile delivery

A company dispatches a package to a private recipient, initiating a lengthy...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 22/08/2023

Essential procurement skills and qualities

Being a buyer is much more than just swiping the company's bank card at the...
Posted by FedSupply in Your employment market
Le 27/07/2023
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